Puppy should have access to a bowl of clean water most of the day.
Airedales drink a lot of water compared to some other breeds.
While you are house breaking your puppy you may want to take limit access to water after 7 p.m. so he has a better chance of staying dry for the night!
Start as soon as you are home. Put a collar and leash on puppy and let puppy lead you around for a while until he gets used to the feel of the collar. Then you lead and if he balks, get down on one knee and coax him to you. Then get up and gently tug and call him by name. He will soon know what you want. Having a treat in your hand as you coax him will help….Airedales tend to be treat motivated!
Bathe your puppy only when necessary (muddy or smelly). Not more than monthly. Brushing regularly will keep coat free of dust and will keep his skin clean. Shampoo used too frequently, dries the coat and skin. Always rinse all of the soap out when you do bathe your puppy.